Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lesson videos: great for education, horrible for fragile esteem

Medical school does a number on most of our self esteem / worth, it's sort of a 'the more you know, the more you realize you don't know' sort of situation.  I have no idea how I'm ever going to be ready to take care of real humans.  But you know, that's the way it goes - I've sort of accepted I'm going to feel like an idiot for my foreseeable future (light at the end of the tunnel is currently residency, we'll see how I feel when I get there!). 
However, it is not so fun to feel completely inadequate in one's leisure activity.  A friend was able to record some of my lesson on Luke last week for me, lets just say I hope someday I'll be able to laugh about it!  I'll post a few snippets, for posterities sake, but seriously guys I DO know how awful I look and yes I really am trying not to.  What really makes me cringe is the super chair seat I seem to constantly be in.  Oh well, sucks to suck and I'll keep trying to get better.

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